Bern 2.5D Model

Source code

Getting started



Run test case

Run a spinup case

Run a transient case

Run a spinup run followed by a transient run

Modify startfiles

Run thc with modified startfiles

Run a transient thc with on other forcing file

How the option -set defines the name of the startfile and the case name

More options

Create only the case directory

List thc related files

Run thc on brutus batch system

Run several thc in parallel on brutus

Setup for a crash


Directory Layout

|-- cdf_2d                    (source code of cdf_2d.a)
|-- src                       (source code of thc)
|--                    (script to run thc *** main script ***)
|--                (script to run spinup and transient cases)
|--            (script to create a new case)
|--    (script to create a restart file)
|--             (script to list thc related files)
|--             (edit/show starfiles)
|--               (points to old src/crestart)
|-- data                      (directory of data files, ???)
|-- forcing                   (directory of data files, forcing)
|-- start_files               (directory of start files)
|-- cases                     (directory containing runs/cases)
|   |-- susciar4.spinup        (case directory for susciar4 case, spinup run)
|   |   |-- input               (input date)
|   |   `-- output              (output data)
|   |-- susciar4.sres_a2_test  (case directory for transient run sres_a2_test,
|   ...                         spinup from susciar4 run)
|-- batch-template.lsf        (template for batch job script)
|-- COMPILE.txt               (read how to compile the model)
|-- MACHINES.txt              (machine specific documentation)
|-- README.txt                (general readme file)
`-- Makefile                  (main Makefile)

Debugging the model

(old description for original code) Compile and run on firebolt

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