
package Foswiki::AccessControlException

Exception used raise an access control violation. This exception has the following fields:

The exception may be thrown by plugins. If a plugin throws the exception, it will normally be caught and the browser redirected to a login screen (if the user is not logged in) or reported (if they are and just don't have access).

API version $Date: 2009-05-16 12:36:23 +0200 (Sat, 16 May 2009) $ (revision $Rev: 6075 (2010-01-17) $)

Since date indicates where functions or parameters have been added since the baseline of the API (TWiki release 4.2.3). The date indicates the earliest date of a Foswiki release that will support that function or parameter.

Deprecated date indicates where a function or parameters has been deprecated. Deprecated functions will still work, though they should not be called in new plugins and should be replaced in older plugins as soon as possible. Deprecated parameters are simply ignored in Foswiki releases after date.

Until date indicates where a function or parameter has been removed. The date indicates the latest date at which Foswiki releases still supported the function or parameter.

ClassMethod new($mode, $user, $web, $topic, $reason)

All the above fields are accessible from the object in a catch clause in the usual way e.g. $e->{web} and $e->{reason}

ObjectMethod stringify() -> $string

Generate a summary string. This is mainly for debugging. spacer