Mac - First Steps at IAC
This document will help you to set up your mac in the IAC/ETH environment. Please read it carefully.
- Sign in and change the default password of your Macinstosh Computer. Choose a secure one as your keychain is also protected by this password:
The default user is always the ETH username and the default password is your ’ETH username:the current year' (e.g. mrbird:2020).
Create your MFA (Multi Factor Authentication). If you have not got your password letter, yet, or you do not know your initial password, please contact
Gwen (or
- Open
- Login with initial password
- Take photo or screenshot of QR code (and/or copy code) and store it in a save place!
- Open your authenticator app on your mobile(Authy)
- Enter QR code (or code). You have now the possibility to login and use MFA (Multi Factor Authentication).
- Login to with initial password and as second authentication the code provided by the authenticator app
- In case the login with the initial password does not work, on click on "Forgot your password?"
- Log into your ETH account ( Immediately enter your password recovery data. Set the two passwords for the two main password groups: One for mail, eth services, polybox... and the other for VPN, WLAN (Radius server). They have to be different!
- To connect to the ETH WLAN (eduroam and eduroam5), please follow these steps Click here, please!
- If you plan to work from outside ETH, you will need to configure VPN.
- To share data you may want to use Polybox (a Dropbox analog).
- Open the ETH Self Service App (Application Folder) and install programs you would like to have (Firefox, Gimp, "LibreOffice" to name a few)
- You might also want to use an Adobe product. Since these programs are expensive, please consider alternatives like Preview, Adobe Acrobat Reader or Affinity products first, before you order Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop (Adobe CCD).!
- If you need another paid program, please contact Gwen. I will either make it available in the ETH Self Service app and you can then install it or install it directly on your mac.
- You can find more detailed information about IT on our wiki pages. If you need help, do not hesitate to get in contact with me or one of our IT team if I am not available.
- IAC offers you a 400GB disk space for Time Machine backup. The backup is done over the network. If you want to backup your most precious folders, please contact Gwen Raubal, to activate the service.
For any other or additional questions concerning ETH and IT, have a look at the ETH First Steps - IT Knowledge Base
Please let me know if you find any errors in this documentation so I can keep it up-to-date. Thanks.