Leaving IAC
Start here:
General information can be found here:
ETH Account and VPN
- Administrative-technical employees:
If you leave ETH, your ETH account (login, VPN, mail, etc.) will be disabled immediately
- Guests: When your guest period expires the account is deactivated
- For all others: If you leave ETH, your ETH account (login, VPN, mail, etc.) will be closed after 180 days
- Log in to https://password.ethz.ch, go to Self Service
Display summary. Check the End date under Operational Data. The end date under Relations is normally 180 days before your account's end date (see above)
ETH Guest Account
- Without an ETH account you can no longer login to a IAC Linux or Windows system or to the ETH cluster Euler
- If needed, you can request to get an ETH guest status with an ETH guest account (you should get the same username again).
- To request an ETH guest account please contact your administrative staff
- The guest account has to be approved by a budget officer (your professor)
- For more information please see https://ethz.ch/staffnet/en/employment-and-work/guests.html
- Most ETH guests are not allowed to have an ETH mailbox. Please save your ETH mails in advance!
- Employees of an ETH Domain institution (EPFL, Empa, PSI, WSL, EAWAG) can request an ETH mailbox after registration of the guest stay, please contact iac-it@env.ethz.ch
- If needed we can offer an email forward, please contact iac-it@env.ethz.ch. Please note, the email forward can only be created after your ETH mailbox has been deleted
- If you need access to Euler resources (CPU, GPU) with a ETH guest account, please contact urs.beyerle@env.ethz.ch
ETH Mailbox
- Please consider to export and save your mailbox before employment ends
- Your mailbox will be deleted after 180 days!
- The only exception: If you continue to work within the ETH Domain (EAWAG, Empa, WSL, PSI, EPFL), you can apply for a ETH guest account with a mailbox
Email Forward
- We recommend to setup a forward and an autoreply
- Forward:
- Autoreply
- Login to https://mail.ethz.ch/owa/
- upper right corner, click on the wheel
automatic replies
- (x) Send automatic replies
- For example "I'm no longer working at IAC/ETH. Please use my new email foo.bla@bla.ch."
- Save
- After 180 days your ETH mailbox will be deleted! Afterward emails to your ETH address will be returned as "unzustellbar"/"undeliverable".
- IMPORTANT: Your data on ETH Polybox will be deleted as soon as your ETH account expires.
- IMPORTANT: Local data on your IAC Workstation or Laptop (/lhome, /scratch under Linux, and C: and D: drivers under Windows) will be DELETED !
- IMPORTANT: Data on lake64:/scratch1 and lake64:/scratch2 will be DELETED !
- Please clean up your data before leaving!
- Either transfer the data to your new employer or store it on a personal harddisk
- If your data should be still used at IAC, we recommend to transfer the data to an IAC user. Please ask iac-linux@env.ethz.ch to change the ownership of the files and folders
- In general we will not delete data that is stored on a fileserver (like home directories, data on Linux storage servers). But at some point they will be archived or deleted in consultation with user or his/her supervisor
- As soon as the user account is deactivated, we will archive the home directories (Linux and Windows)
- Archived data will be DELETED after 10 years !
- We will not delete any repositories on IAC git or IAC svn server
- However, if your ETH account expires, you will lose access the above services
- In case you would like to keep access to your git repositories on IAC git, contact us (iac-git-admin@env.ethz.ch) and we can change your IAC/ETH Gitlab account to a local IAC Gitlab account
- IMPORTANT: Your repositories on GitHub's under the C2SM organization repositories (C2SM-RCM and C2SM-ICON) will be deleted
ETH Cluster
- Your account on the ETH Cluster Euler is connected to your ETH account
- Login to Euler will be no longer possible, when your ETH account has been expired
- Please clean up your files and folders on Euler including your home under /cluster/home and if existing, your folder on /cluster/work/climate before you leave
- Your home directory on the ETH cluster under /cluster/home/ will be deleted shortly after your ETH account expires
- If you are no longer connected to IAC, you will loose the membership of any shareholder group. Even if your ETH account is still valid. See also EulerClimateMembers
- Your CSCS account is independent to your ETH account. But may depend on a project
- Please clean up your files and folders at CSCS including your home under /users and your data under /project and /store
Mac Specials
- When you return your Mac Book Pro or iMac, it will be completely erased and then reinstalled. In case I am not there, please disable 'Find my' location services and log out from your iCloud account. Otherwise the computer will be locked!
- Clean up your desk and shelves!
- Don't forget to take all your personal belongings with you
- Bring back your office key to CAB F 41.1
- Please pay your coffee debts before you leave!
- Review your holidays/absences and update them accordingly in the ETHIS system. Please take your holidays before your leaving date!
- Upon employment termination or in case of non-renewal by ETH, users are obliged to remove all software licenses from their personal computers. All copies must be destroyed and may not be used any more.
- As long as you are working at ETH, you can order software from https://www.studyhouse.ch. Some software can also be used when you are leaving ETH.
Stay in touch with us
- Subscribe to the IAC Seminar mailing list to get announcements of IAC seminars and colloquia
- Please provide an email address that we can use to contact you for Alumni events