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How can I create a new Topic ?

There are several possibilities to create a new Topic:
  • If you type a WikiWord which is not yet a Topic Name, you will see a question mark behind the word. Clicking on the question mark will create a new Topic.
  • Click on create Create New Topic in the left bar
  • Click on the icon page_white_add.png.

How can I create a new Web ?

Just send an email to UrsBeyerle and specify name of the Web to be created and name of the responsible Web person (Web administrator).

How to logout ?

Since your browser is caching the authentication, you have to exit your browser to completely log off from TWiki.

For more information about Wiki logout and why it is not automatically working see http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/HowToLogOff or http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/auth.html#basicfaq.

How can I make a Wiki topic visible for everybody ?

Per default all Webs are only visible for users that are logged in. The exception is the Public Web. Put Wiki topic into the Public Web what should be readable worldwide. If for some reason, you would like to make a topic in a closed Web visible without login, you can always overwrite the default access control rule with


For more information see WikiAccessControl.

Can external people use our Wiki ?

An external user can not log into our Wiki. But he can view all pages which are accessible for the unauthorized user WikiGuest. If an external user needs to view restricted parts of the Wiki or wants to contribute to the Wiki by creating or editing topics, we can give him a temporary account on NETZH. Please contact either UrsBeyerle or DanielLuethi. spacer

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