Special chapters
To create an index you need the following things.
- the package makeidx
- Some entries like
The Matterhorn\index{Matterhorn} is a famous mountain in Switzerland.
The text inside the brackets isn't displayed, it is only used for the index. In this case you have to rewrite the word twice (what is sad), on the other hand you can use another form of it (like a singular) for the index
- The program makeindex. It needs the name of the main Latex file as argument (without the extension .tex)
- At the place, where the index should appear
- A three-time compilation (one time before makeindex twice after), see also section create
You need:
- An information about the layout of the references (inside the document statement)
where plain may be replaced by many different ref-style files. Some of them are defined by default for all the others you need a refstyle.bst file. Remark: Inside the \bibliographystyle
statement the file name is written without the extension .bst.
- The program bibtex, which need the name of your main Latex-file as argument (without the extension .tex.
- Of course a catalog of references itself. To create this you have at least three different ways available:
- Do anything manual, where the example should explain the syntax by itself. Remark: the editor Xemacs knows the bibtex syntax
- Directly inside the Latex-File where
\bibitem{ref}The name of the reference
is used.
- With the tool wos2bib (by Jörg Mäder, C-Source Linux), which is able to convert the output from web of science:
- Collect your references at Web of Science (Mark the papers at the left and press submit marks, repeat as often as necessary)
- Go to the page marked list (Button is at the top).
- Check the option document type (and others if you want).
- Click save to file to create a file on your computer.
- Start wos2bib with the name of the new file as argument and add the output to your current bibtex file
wos2bib savedrec.txt >> diss_ref.bib
. At the first call use >
instead of >>
- Edit diss_ref.bib if necessary
- wos2bib is also available as Online-Tool, which contains more features.
- Some references in your .tex-files like
where ref is mostly composed by the first name of the first author and the year of publication (eg:Tell:1291).
- A Link to the reference collection inside the document statement)
which will create the reference index Remark: Also here .bib is not used. Multiple files may be separated by comma (without spaces between).
- A three-time compilation (one time before makeindex twice after), see also create
Cross references
you can mark any kind of object (or location).
After that you can use
to refer to the page of the named item
for the chapter-numbering (or figure/table if it is used inside their environment).
Content, table index and figure index
Just include
at the place where it should appear.
JoergMaeder - 20 Dec 2010