IAC and Friends
IAC-drinks (previously known as Thursdaydrinks) is an opportunity to meet informally once a month with PhD
students and postdocs for a drink (and sometimes food) in town. We aim
to go to a different place each time so that we can all discover new places!
IAC-drinks is currently organised by Clemens Schwingshackl, Matthias Schwarz, Misha Paramonov, Pavle Arsenovic, and Stefan Rüdisühli.
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Next IAC-drinks Event
Reithalle http://restaurant-reithalle.ch/ (Gessner-Allee 8, 8001 Zürich)
**Thursday 15 Sep 2016** from 7.00pm onwards
Dates for upcoming IAC-drinks
We are trying to have an IAC Drinks event every month, usually on the
3rd weekday of a month at
weekday iterates from Tuesday to Thursday. The event will always be announced via the
iac-community@sympa.ethz.ch community email list.
Where could we go next?
Please add your own suggestions to this table! Click the edit button at the top right of this page - it's easy!
Some previously visited places
For the admin: IACandFriendsAdmin