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You are here: System » RenderLdapUser



Extract user information from an Ldap directory. Note, you have to install the Foswiki:Extensions/LdapNgPlugin to make this work. Depending on your directory layout and the used schema you have to adjust the filter below.


  • KEY: key used to fetc the user record, e.g. the login name


%~~ LDAP{"(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%KEY%))" 
~~~   clear="$jpegPhoto,$cn,$mail,$telephoneNumber,$o,$postalAddress"
~~~   limit="1"
~~~   format="
~~~     <div class=\"alt\">
~~~     <table cellspacing=\"5\">
~~~     <tr>
~~~       $percntIFDEFINEDTHEN{\"$jpegPhoto\" as=\"$[j]pegPhoto\"}$percnt
~~~       <td valign=\"top\">
~~~         <img src=\"$jpegPhoto\" alt=\"$cn\" title=\"$cn\" width=\"100px\">
~~~       </td>
~~~       $percntFIDEFINED$percnt
~~~       <td valign=\"top\">
~~~         <table>
~~~           <tr><th valign=\"top\">Name:</th>
~~~               <td valign=\"top\"> $cn </td></tr>
~~~           <tr><th valign=\"top\">Email:</th>
~~~               <td valign=\"top\"> $mail </td></tr>
~~~           <tr><th valign=\"top\">Tel:</th>
~~~               <td valign=\"top\"> $telephoneNumber </td></tr>
~~~           <tr><th valign=\"top\">Organization:</th>
~~~               <td valign=\"top\"> $o </td></tr>
~~~           <tr><th valign=\"top\">Address:</th>
~~~               <td valign=\"top\"> $postalAddress </td></tr>
~~~         </table>
~~~       </td>
~~~     </tr>
~~~    </table>
~~~    </div>"
~~~ }%



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