Managing WebsWhat are Webs?A Foswiki site is divided into "Webs", or groups or topics - each one represents one subject, one area of collaboration. Administrators can add, rename or delete webs.At file level, a Web is a directory located inside the data directory, with text files as topics. A number of Webs are fixed: System for documentation, Main to store user pages and site-wide preferences, Trash for the topic recycle bin. Other webs can be created as needed. Webs on this siteSystem
Go to the home of the web See recent changes in the web Search the web Subscribe to get notified of changes by e-mail Create a new webTo use this form you must be administrator. Before you begin: consider that less webs are better than more webs. Cross-linking topics is easier, and searches are faster, if there are only a few larger webs.In-depth info on WebsSubweb preferences are inheritedThe preference settings of a subweb are inherited from the parent web and overridden locally. Preferences are ultimately inherited from the System.DefaultPreferences topic. Example Preference Inheritance forSandbox/TestWeb/SubWeb.SubWebTopic topic:
Subweb navigationThe Pattern skin (default) indicates Subwebs by indenting them in the sidebar relative to their level in the hierarchy.Renaming or Deleting a WebRename a web via the Tools section in each WebPreferences topic. You may delete a web by moving it into a Trash web.PermissionsYou may only rename a web if you have the following permissions
Renaming the webs in the distributionIt is possible, though not recommended, to change the names of the webs in the distribution. If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that Foswiki stores user topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature -Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the macro style %USERSWEB%.SomeUserName , is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.
If you want to rename the System or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the Foswiki configuration. You will need to change the {SystemWebName} , {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.
Renaming the webs in the distribution is not recommended because it makes upgrades much more complicated.
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory DBCachePlugin: ManagingWebs not found