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You are here: TWiki » NatSkin » NatSkinFAQ


The documentation of NatSkin is crap. I'm lost!

If you need help there are a couple of options:

In any case helping out improving documentation, fixing bugs, helping others with the same problems is very welcome.

Why does NatSkin depend on so many extra plugins?

The main goal is to achieve the best user experience possible. It frankly does not matter if that requires extra plugins.

Some things can't be done with the inventory being shipped with standard Foswiki. A lot of the plugins once have been an integral part of the NatSkinPlugin and then been externalized into plugins of their own for the greater benefit.

Why are there so many template files?

NatSkin does not build upon the standard templates/skin of Foswiki as it differs substantially in the way it is broken up into components. Therefore every function of the core engine will use a *.nat.tmpl file. Infact, the NatSkin templates are created to provide an independent base for further template modifications.

NatSkin templates offer much more flexibility than the standard templates do. While its theming engine controls which css files are to be loaded, it also maintains the SKIN path to allow themes to override the standard markup. So switching a theme does also switch the SKIN path and the templates with it.

Can I enable offsite link detection?

Yes. Use {NatSkin}{DetectExternalLinks} configuration setting.

Does NatSkin support QuietSave?

This feature confuses more than provide any added value and has thus been removed from the edit page to simplify the interface.
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