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You are here: TWiki » Macros » VarICONURLPATH

ICONURLPATH{"name"} -- URL path of small documentation graphic or icon

  • Generates the URL path of a DocumentGraphics image, typically used in an HTML img tag. Specify image name or full filename (see ICON for details on filenames.)
  • Syntax: %ICONURLPATH{"name"}%
  • Examples:
    • %ICONURLPATH{"locktopic"}% returns /pub/System/DocumentGraphics/locktopic.gif
    • %ICONURLPATH{"eggysmell.xml"}% returns /pub/System/DocumentGraphics/xml.gif
    • %ICONURLPATH{"/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% returns /pub/System/DocumentGraphics/xsl.gif
  • Related: ICONURL, ICON, DefaultPreferences, FileAttachments, DocumentGraphics
DBCachePlugin: VarICONURLPATH not found
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