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You are here: Climphys » ProjectBern25D

Bern 2.5D Model

Source code

  • Check out latest version (trunk) - the trunk is work in progress!
    svn co https://svn.iac.ethz.ch/repos/projects/bern2.5d/trunk bern2.5d-trunk

  • If you have once checked out the trunk version you can always update your working copy of the trunk to the latest trunk version on the svn server by executing inside your trunk folder bern2.5d-trunk the command
    svn update

  • Check out version 1.0, original code from Kasper Plattner, compiles with gfortran, pgf90, ifort
    svn co https://svn.iac.ethz.ch/repos/projects/bern2.5d/tags/1.0 bern2.5d-1.0

  • Check out original code from Kasper Plattner
    svn co https://svn.iac.ethz.ch/repos/projects/bern2.5d/tags/original_plattner_code bern2.5d-original
    svn export https://svn.iac.ethz.ch/repos/projects/bern2.5d/tar/bern2.5d_linux_knutti.tar .

  • HELP For more information about how to work with subversion and the svn command see MOVED TO... ServiceSvn.

Getting started

  • Checkout latest version
    svn co https://svn.iac.ethz.ch/repos/projects/bern2.5d/trunk bern2.5d-trunk
  • Read the provided readme files
    cd bern2.5d-trunk
    less README.txt
    less COMPILE.txt
    less MACHINES.txt


  • ALERT! See also COMPILE.txt and MACHINES.txt

  • Define the following environmental variables. This can be for example done by loading modules, see below. Or with the export (bash) or setenv (tcsh) command.
    • FC : Fortran Compiler
    • NETCDF : path to your netcdf installation, libnetcdf.a should be in $NETCDF/lib, include files in $NETCDF/include
    • FFLAGS : additional compiler flags, for example set FFLAGS=-g for debugging

  • On IAC systems you can use modules to set these variables correctly

  • Environment for pgf90
    module load pgi netcdf/3.6.3-pgf90

  • Environment for ifort
    module load ifort netcdf/3.6.3-ifort

  • Environment for gfortran
    module load gfortran netcdf/3.6.3

  • Compile
    make clean


  • List of scripts
    Scriptname Purpose
    thc.sh Run the Bern 2.5 D model
    thc_run.sh Run a spinup run or transient run
    create_case.sh Create a spinup or transient case
    create_restart_file.sh Create a restart file
    list_files.sh List thc related files
    edit_files.sh Edit and show variables in spinup and transient startfiles
    crestart.sh Simple wrapper script to run crestart (obsolete)

  • All scripts come with an internal help, just run the script with option -h or -help, for example
    ./list_files.sh -h

Run test case

  • Run the test case model:
    ./thc.sh -s test

Run a spinup case

  • Run default susciar4 spinup model :
    ./thc.sh -s susciar4_default
    Note: susciar4_default is equal to susciar4_knum1_iadv1

Run a transient case

  • Run transient model (the spinup run has to be done in advance):
    ./thc.sh -r susciar4_default -t ar4_sres_a2_ar4_default
    In this case the transient run (-t) ar4_sres_a2_ar4_default is restarted (-r) from the spinup run susciar4_default

Run a spinup run followed by a transient run

  • Do a spinup run followed by a transient run
    ./thc.sh -s susciar4_default -t ar4_sres_a2_ar4_default

Modify startfiles

  • See edit_files.sh script
    ./edit_files.sh -h

Run thc with modified startfiles

  • You can modify the startfiles within the thc.sh command
    ./thc.sh -set kvnum=1,khnum=1,iadv=1 -s susciar4
    This will set kvnum=1, khnum=1 and iadv=1. Note: This is equal to
    ./thc.sh -s susciar4_default

Run a transient thc with on other forcing file

  • Place your forcing file in the folder forcing
  • The name and path of the forcing file for a transient run is defined in the transient startup file in a line similar to
    'forcing/start_ar4_sres_a2_ar4.dat'                      forcing (chfile_indus)
  • Use option -set to change the name of the forcing file. IMPORTANT: Use a backslash \ to escape the ' sign !
    ./thc.sh -set forcing="\'forcing/file1.dat\'" -r susciar4_default -t ar4_sres_a2_ar4_default

How the option -set defines the name of the startfile and the case name

  • If you modify the startfiles with the option -set, a MD5-string will be appended to the name of startfile and therefore to the name of the new case.
  • The MD5-string is calculate from the parameters given by the -set option. Run the script ./md5.sh to find out the MD5 sum. For example
    ./md5.sh kvnum=1,khnum=1,iadv=1
  • Note that the MD5 sum is independent of the order of the parameters
    ./md5.sh kvnum=1,khnum=1,iadv=1
    ./md5.sh iadv=1,kvnum=1,khnum=1
  • If you don't want to choose the string which is appended, use the option -add, for example
    ./thc.sh -set kvnum=1,khnum=1,iadv=1 -add setup1 -s susciar4
    This will create the case susciar4_setup1.spinup instead of susciar4_MD5c3478ce6723a70b7fb3a4c2e57c97737.spinup

More options

  • If you want to re-do a run, use the option -f (force) to overwrite everything
    ./thc.sh -f -s susciar4_default
  • Run thc with nice 19 (-n 19)
    ./thc.sh -n 19 -s susciar4_default
  • Run thc quiet (-q) - with no output
    ./thc.sh -q -s susciar4_default
  • See all the available option of thc.sh by running
    ./thc.sh -h

Create only the case directory

  • Create case directory for a spinup case
    ./create_case.sh -s susciar4_default

  • Create case directory for a transient case
    ./create_case.sh -r susciar4_default -t ar4_sres_a2_ar4_default

List thc related files

  • List available spinup start files
    ./list_files.sh -ls

  • List available restart files (-lr) and available transient (-lt) start files
    ./list_files.sh -lr -lt

Run thc on brutus batch system

  • Compile thc, see also MACHINES.txt
    module purge
    module load pgi netcdf/4.0.1                  # in case you want to use Portland compiler
    module load intel netcdf/4.0.1                # in case you want to use Intel compiler
    export FC=gfortran; module load netcdf/4.0.1  # in case you want to use GNU gfortran compiler 
    make clean
  • Create a case, for example for spinup susciar4_default
    ./create_case.sh -s susciar4_default
  • Submit batch job
    bsub < ./cases/susciar4_default.spinup/susciar4_default.spinup.lsf
  • Afterwards LSF log files are in the case folder, for example

Run several thc in parallel on brutus

  • Use the LSF jobfile par_thc.lsf and the script par_thc.sh to distribute thc-runs over several nodes. For more info see MOVED TO... ProjectBern25Dparallel

Setup for a crash

  • Run spinup case susciar4
    ./thc.sh -s susciar4

  • 1. Case: Run transient case sres_a2_BernCC_targwfb2.5progipccar4jan09
    ./thc.sh -r susciar4 -t sres_a2_BernCC_targwfb2.5progipccar4jan09
    Time: 21021.2 yr      dt:   20.3 d     dta:   16.8 h
    ./thc.sh: line 167:  2139 Floating point exception$THC $ex_trans $ex_restart
    ERROR: thc exit with an error.

  • 2. Case: Run transient case sres_a2_test
    ./thc.sh -r susciar4 -t sres_a2_test
    Time: 20326.2 yr      dt:   20.3 d     dta:   16.8 h
    ./thc.sh: line 167:  2241 Floating point exception$THC $ex_trans $ex_restart
    ERROR: thc exit with an error.

  • 3. Case: Run transient case ar4_sres_a2_ar4_gwfb_3.2
    ./thc.sh -r susciar4 -t ar4_sres_a2_ar4_gwfb_3.2
    Time: 20310.2 yr      dt:   20.3 d     dta:   16.8 h
    ./thc.sh: line 169: 25445 Floating point exception$THC $ex_trans $ex_restart
    ERROR: thc exit with an error.

  • The crash can be avoided, if you start with spinup susciar4_iadv1, susciar4_knum1 or susciar4_knum1_iadv1 instead of susciar4 !

  • Crash Matrix
    Spinup Transient Runs without crash
    susciar4 sres_a2_BernCC_targwfb2.5progipccar4jan09 frown
    susciar4 sres_a2_test frown
    susciar4 ar4_sres_a2_ar4_gwfb_3.2 frown
    susciar4_iadv1 sres_a2_BernCC_targwfb2.5progipccar4jan09 smile
    susciar4_iadv1 sres_a2_test smile
    susciar4_iadv1 ar4_sres_a2_ar4_gwfb_3.2 smile
    susciar4_knum1 sres_a2_BernCC_targwfb2.5progipccar4jan09 smile
    susciar4_knum1 sres_a2_test smile
    susciar4_knum1 ar4_sres_a2_ar4_gwfb_3.2 smile
    susciar4_knum1_iadv1 sres_a2_BernCC_targwfb2.5progipccar4jan09 smile
    susciar4_knum1_iadv1 sres_a2_test smile
    susciar4_knum1_iadv1 ar4_sres_a2_ar4_gwfb_3.2 smile


  • Summary: Best performance reached with intel compiler

  • Single thc run. Minimum time of
    time ./thc.sh -f -s susciar4 >/dev/null
    Compiler Flags System Time
    gfortran 4.8.1 -O3 -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fno-automatic rasperypi 270m 28s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 firebolt 18m 26s
    pgf90 7.2-3 -O3 -Ktrap=fp firebolt 20m 10s
    gfortran 4.1.2 -O3 -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fno-automatic firebolt 21m 39s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 iacdipl-2 11m 50s
    pgf90 7.2-3 -O3 -Ktrap=fp iacdipl-2 16m 19s
    gfortran 4.3.2 -O3 -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fno-automatic iacdipl-2 15m 09s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 fluffy 8m 19s
    pgf90 7.2-3 -O3 -Ktrap=fp fluffy 9m 25s
    gfortran 4.3.2 -O3 -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fno-automatic fluffy 11m 31s
    pgf90 9.0-1 -O3 -Ktrap=fp brutus3 (login node) 14m 59s
    ifort 10.1.018 -O3 -fpe0 brutus3 (login node) 10m 01s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon X5690 3.47GHz (atmos) 6m 02s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E5-2690 2.90GHz (kryo) 6m 30s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E3-1275 3.50 GHz 4m 08s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 i7-2600 3.40GHz 4m 56s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 i5-3570 3.40GHz 4m 15s
    ifort 13.1.3 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E5-2697 v2 2.70GHz 5m 32s
    ifort 13.1.3 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E5-2680 v2 2.80GHz 4m 23s
    ifort 13.1.3 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E5-2670 v2 2.50GHz 4m 46s
    ifort 13.1.3 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E5-2660 v2 2.20GHz 5m 17s
    ifort 13.1.3 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E5-2650 v2 2.60GHz 4m 38s
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 Xeon E3-1245 v3 3.40GHz (FS W540) 3m 57s thumbs-up

  • Benchmarks of 400 parallel runs
    ./thc.sh -set iadv=1 -add iadv_1 -s susciar4
    for i in $( seq 0 399 ); do 
       var=$( printf "%03d\n" $i) 
       echo "./thc.sh -f -set gwfb=2.$var -r susciar4_iadv_1 -t ar4_sres_a2_ar4"
    done > joblist; echo END >> joblist
    time ./par_thc.sh -g 2
    Compiler Flags System cores Time Time * core
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 fluffy 8 8m 27s 68m thumbs-up
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 iacdipl-2 16 6m 47s 109m
    ifort 10.1 -O3 -fpe0 firebolt 8 21m 0s 168m

Directory Layout

|-- cdf_2d                    (source code of cdf_2d.a)
|-- src                       (source code of thc)
|-- thc.sh                    (script to run thc *** main script ***)
|-- thc_run.sh                (script to run spinup and transient cases)
|-- create_case.sh            (script to create a new case)
|-- create_restart_file.sh    (script to create a restart file)
|-- list_files.sh             (script to list thc related files)
|-- edit_files.sh             (edit/show starfiles)
|-- crestart.sh               (points to old src/crestart)
|-- data                      (directory of data files, ???)
|-- forcing                   (directory of data files, forcing)
|-- start_files               (directory of start files)
|-- cases                     (directory containing runs/cases)
|   |-- susciar4.spinup        (case directory for susciar4 case, spinup run)
|   |   |-- input               (input date)
|   |   `-- output              (output data)
|   |-- susciar4.sres_a2_test  (case directory for transient run sres_a2_test,
|   ...                         spinup from susciar4 run)
|-- batch-template.lsf        (template for batch job script)
|-- COMPILE.txt               (read how to compile the model)
|-- MACHINES.txt              (machine specific documentation)
|-- README.txt                (general readme file)
`-- Makefile                  (main Makefile)

Debugging the model

  • Load the compiler and corresponding the netcdf library, if not yet done
    module load pgi netcdf/3.6.3-pgf90

  • Compile with option -g
    make clean

  • Run thc inside pgdbg
    pgdbg src/thc 

  • Press Run inside the pgdbg gui

(old description for original code) Compile and run on firebolt

MOVED TO... ProjectBern25Dold.

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